With all the events that unfolded in 2020, we've started 2021 with a new strain of Covid-19. Millions of lives have been lost and devastated from the pandemic. Managing a business through this unprecedented, unknown territory has been an everyday struggle for a lot of entrepreneurs. Instead of focusing on how the pandemic negatively impacted Chase Courier & Transit, let's take a moment to highlight the positive outcomes and takeaways we've learned along the way.
1.) Positive Thinking
We had to go back to the drawing board to figure out what needed to be done in order to keep our business open. Thousands of businesses were forced to close their doors, but we were able to weather the storm and still continue to do so currently. Positive thinking forces you to explore new concepts and ideas. Thinking "outside the box", so that your business can continue to thrive.
2.) Preparedness
No one could have ever imagined that a global pandemic would literally "shutdown" our economy and have such an impact on our everyday lives. Who thought we would come to a point were toilet paper was considered a luxury item to have in your home! We all know that planning ahead for a rainy day is important, but this experience has put being prepared at the forefront of all of our minds. The pandemic has forced us to create contingency plans, manage our business finances more efficiently and in general to expect the unexpected.
3.) Community Support
Supporting local business has always been something we should aim to do, but with so many businesses stretched thin with dwindling finances, it is a MUST to continue this kind of patronage. A lot of small business owners did not have the opportunity to take advantage of the SBA loans and resources, so we had to depend on our customers and local community to keep us going. Knowing that there are other small business owners out there, sacrificing everything to keep their business open motivates me to make sure I support my local restaurants, grocery & convenient stores, laundry mats, etc.